In search of a portfolio refresher, I put out a casting call on model mayhem in hopes of discovering fresh faces. When I placed my casting call, about 15 eager models replied in hopes of becoming a part of my 2009 Spring Portfolio Refresher. As a photographer, I am constantly discovering day by day that there is such a pure beauty in one that does not flaunt, boast or brag. There is immense beauty in the silent and strong subject. When I received a reply from Corbett, I was immediately captivated by his piercing green eyes behind his vulnerable hands. The first photo I saw of Corbett was taken by
Picturesque and it was INTENSE.

So we made plans to do a photoshoot. I was very interested in him being my model and at the tender age of 21, I saw a great deal of potential. From runways to photoshoots, his talent is natural. He molds into character very easily and was not afraid to take risks. He was very fun to work with as well. After several weeks of bad weather, the weather finally let up for us to do our shoot. When I saw his eyes, I knew that I wanted the location to be be serene and with a strong outdoors appeal. Originally we had wanted a replica of a Nautica ad. That seemed to cliche for the abundance of options we had surrounding us. We began to walk a trail through Creve Couer Park and found a happy medium that captivated the water, air and earth. We took several shots and shared many laughs. I would love to work with Corbett again and I see a very bright future in modeling for him.
Here are a few shots from our shoot together: