
Keisa Photoshoot 11.21.09

At the end of September, I was contacted by Keisa to do a photoshoot for her birthday. She really liked my work and wanted to inquire about a shoot. After many emails back and forth, we finally set the date. I had scoped out this cool location downtown St. Louis back in the middle of September while shooting another client of mines so once I got to talking to Keisa, I knew I wanted to shoot her there. I had EVERYTHING in my camera bag ready to go except for....MY MEMORY CARDS! Embarrassed, I had to explain to her what happened AND I tried to see if there were any camera shops downtown that I could run to and just buy a brand new one. Thank goodness for Blackberries and the Internet. I browsed the web and City Photo came up but the number was disconnected. I even went so far as to call Steve Garnett to see if he knew of any shops downtown. No luck! So the next nearest place would be Best Buy in Brentwood. If I was to go there, I might as well go home and grab the cards! So that's what I did! Me and Keisa rolled in my car to go all the way back to my apartment to grab my cards. What an adventure! So we got back to the location and was ready to rock and roll. I consider downtown STL like a sundial with all the tall buildings and all. The sun sets and casts shadows or brightness at certain parts of the day. Before we left, the sun was shining pretty bright on our "set". When we came back, there were a lot of shadows and spots of light. I had my flash so I wasn't too worried. As soon as we get out the car and set up for the second set of photos on the balcony, we hear this loud, I mean LOUD man screaming, "HEY GIRL!!! CAN I GET IN THE PICTURE WITH YOU???!?!?" I being accustomed to this, tried to seek out where he was at since it was just us two and men tend to try take advantage of these shoots I do by coming near us jeering or being a nuisance. I could not see him but he yelled so loud and said the exact same thing over and over again. One of the city workers told us what he was saying (like we're deaf) and we kindly told him "No". So we are moving through the shoot racing against the sun and the evaporation of the warm winds as they lulled into a cool breeze. We successfully wrapped the shoot up and parted ways. It didn't take that much time at all for me to look through her photos and pick out 10 great shots. She is tall, beautiful, had on a bold purple dress and some super cool gold leaf earrings on. She was like a goddess! And in talking to her we shared a lot in common as far as upbringing. I love shooting with clients I've never met before or with ones who came across me as a photographer. That makes me feel great and I hope to work with her again soon!



  1. LOL - That happened to me one day (forgot my memory cards). Even worse, another time BOTH of my camera batteries were dead! Luckily a friend happened to be on his way, he owned the same camera I had at the time and let me use his one of his spares. Now I'm extra paranoid about charging all my batteries before a shoots. I also bought extra memory cards that stay in my glove box for the sole purpose of avoiding embarrassing moments! Nice shoot with the model! ;-)

  2. Awww thank you so much for sharing your story! I see I'm not the only one this has happened to and I've been super cautious to avoid things like that again! Thanks for the comipliments!


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