Come out and see KFP perform LIVE tonight at Escalade's Bar and Grill located at 7828 Olive. All ages are welcomed! Ladies are free before 10pm and then $3 after 10pm. Males, $5 all night. This is open mic night so come through and show some support for my clients! Come out and see KFP perform LIVE tonight at Escalade's Bar and Grill located at 7828 Olive. All ages are welcomed! Ladies are free before 10pm and then $3 after 10pm. Males, $5 all night. This is open mic night so come through and show some support to my clients!
At the end of September, I was contacted by Keisa to do a photoshoot for her birthday. She really liked my work and wanted to inquire about a shoot. After many emails back and forth, we finally set the date. I had scoped out this cool location downtown St. Louis back in the middle of September while shooting another client of mines so once I got to talking to Keisa, I knew I wanted to shoot her there. I had EVERYTHING in my camera bag ready to go except for....MY MEMORY CARDS! Embarrassed, I had to explain to her what happened AND I tried to see if there were any camera shops downtown that I could run to and just buy a brand new one. Thank goodness for Blackberries and the Internet. I browsed the web and City Photo came up but the number was disconnected. I even went so far as to call Steve Garnett to see if he knew of any shops downtown. No luck! So the next nearest place would be Best Buy in Brentwood. If I was to go there, I might as well go home and grab the cards! So that's what I did! Me and Keisa rolled in my car to go all the way back to my apartment to grab my cards. What an adventure! So we got back to the location and was ready to rock and roll. I consider downtown STL like a sundial with all the tall buildings and all. The sun sets and casts shadows or brightness at certain parts of the day. Before we left, the sun was shining pretty bright on our "set". When we came back, there were a lot of shadows and spots of light. I had my flash so I wasn't too worried. As soon as we get out the car and set up for the second set of photos on the balcony, we hear this loud, I mean LOUD man screaming, "HEY GIRL!!! CAN I GET IN THE PICTURE WITH YOU???!?!?" I being accustomed to this, tried to seek out where he was at since it was just us two and men tend to try take advantage of these shoots I do by coming near us jeering or being a nuisance. I could not see him but he yelled so loud and said the exact same thing over and over again. One of the city workers told us what he was saying (like we're deaf) and we kindly told him "No". So we are moving through the shoot racing against the sun and the evaporation of the warm winds as they lulled into a cool breeze. We successfully wrapped the shoot up and parted ways. It didn't take that much time at all for me to look through her photos and pick out 10 great shots. She is tall, beautiful, had on a bold purple dress and some super cool gold leaf earrings on. She was like a goddess! And in talking to her we shared a lot in common as far as upbringing. I love shooting with clients I've never met before or with ones who came across me as a photographer. That makes me feel great and I hope to work with her again soon!
It was a little over 16 years ago when I met Jennifer Neal at Shenandoah Elementary School. She was tall, athletic, and very humble in everything that she did. I reminisce on the days when we had kickball in gym class and how she would kick the ball so high and far up in the sky that folks would have to run practically forever as she sprinted to each base to an easy homerun. I remember sharing a cabin with her in 6th grade camp, skipping a class in high school for Valentine's Day while having breakfast at First Watch and lastly, her knocking my peanuts and jelly beans out of my hands on our trip to Toronto for our orchestra competition.
In between the years, Jenny went through her "formative years" to become the rising fashion designer she is today. She would stroll the hallways in high school with wide leg jeans on way cooler than J'NCOs. They were so cool, I HAD to ask her where she got them. One day, she left me the "recipe" to wide leg jeans hand written on wide rule paper tucked away in a pastel blue envelope that had "TOP SECRET" written all over it. To this day I still have Jenny's first recipe to wide leg jeans and I have long held it a secret showing no one but myself this wonderful design in all its simplicity.
One day, two years ago, I told Jenny that I was going to apply for an internship with ALIVE Magazine and that I think she should as well. On that Saturday, both of us were sprinting to ALIVE Magazine's office trying to make the 11am start time for the open house and we ended up strolling in at 11:07am barely taking a seat in the jam-packed board room. It was hot that day and many hopefuls had to stand against the wall as the process of selection was explained and as we introduced ourselves. I remember Jenny stating that she WILL be a fashion intern for ALIVE Magazine with the utmost confidence. From that day forward, her fire began to burn strongly as she made her way up through the ranks. Working side by side with Jill Manoff and renowned photographers such as Tuan Lee, she has had her work published on billboards, ALIVE Magazine (see October Issue fashion spread), catalogs for Weissman's Dancewear and recently at the annual event Artopia. However, her most proud moment was getting her designs on the runway this previous March for Project Design! (segment of Saint Louis Fashion Week) for the first time. I had the honor of producing the images which ran for competition for her slot on Project Design! as well as the honor of shooting images on the runway for Saint Louis Fashion Week. Most of her models I knew from working with on my own photography projects so it made me so proud to see her and my models come alive on the runway.
Jenny has recently completed another successful run for St. Louis Fashion Week’s Project:Design! which premiered October 12, 2009. However, Jenny did make time for me and my model Erin (who was featured on the runway for Project:Design!) to showcase one of her most recent designs from Artopia. I call it the binary cuffs as the theme for Artopia was computers and the future. Erin was featured in my shoot on September 19, 2009 wearing Jenny’s binary cuffs, a grey off the shoulder tee with pocket, black leggings, a belted tutu with accent leather strings and some black rugged boots for edge. Jenny’s designs are mostly unisex with emphasis on individuality immersed in black and greys. While shooting, Erin and I brought up the need for plus size couture wear. Jenny has made two couture pieces for me in the past and I adore those pieces. She designed a long sleeve brown bell bottom sleeve top alongside a tan fitted pleated skirt. Knowing my girl, I know she will come up with a line for us thick girls and only time will tell when that happens. Until then, I am proud of what my best friend has become and I know that no matter how busy she is, we will always be connected through the industry….
Well folks, tomorrow marks Project Design in which my best friend and up and coming fashion designer Jennifer Neal will grace her designs on the runway again!! This time, I won't be working and snapping pictures but instead supporting my girl from the "stands"! LOL I am SO very proud of my girl and I have watched her blossomed over the years. She is indeed a talented and humble young lady with a very bright future ahead of her. I just want the world to know I am happy for my girl and I know that wherever life takes her, the road will lead to success!
Here is one of my favorite photos I snapped recently of her work which is featured on model Erin who will be strolling the runway tomorrow evening!
Some songs just bring on so much emotion. This song is a classically beautiful song with the high range resounding piano chords. It brings chills to my body and ONE tear drop from my eye every time I hear this song. Call me weird but I LOVE this song. It was on my mind tonight so I'm sharing it with my audience....
I am SO ecstatic about fall. I come ALIVE in the fall. The brisk air, the crunch of the leaves beneath my feet, the long windy roads layered with colorful leaves and the beautiful sky is enough to make me smile and embrace this lovely time of the year with arms wide open. With fall comes inspiration and motivation. I have a lot of things I plan to do this season and I hope I get to share some of these inspirations with you!
I've always been a fan of biscuits and chicken but in a separate terms-sense. So when McDonald's and a few other fast food restaurants came up with the chicken biscuit combo for breakfast, I was really skeptical. Chicken and waffles taste good. Chicken and biscuits taste good for dinner but I just couldn't imagine putting jelly on my biscuit with a piece of chicken in between the biscuit. So one morning at work, I decided to go ahead and try it. My parents always make fun of me when it comes to food because if I've never had something, I'll always say in a skeptical voice "...I'll try it." Since I had walked to McDonald's, I had to carry the bag with the chicken biscuit inside with thoughts racing through my head: "Will the chicken be too salty?" "Is the chicken bland or well seasoned?" "Is the biscuit overcooked?" "Will two packets of jelly be enough?" Etc. I finally arrive back at my desk and unfold the wrapper and snapped the pic you see attached to this blog entry. It looked delightful. As soon as I reached to open a packet of jam (I only asked for 2 packets -grape jam), there's an incoming call. And then another, and another and then 3 more calls. Finally, the phones "pause" and I rabidly tear open the two packets of jam at once and gently pour them onto the the center of the chicken so that when I pressed the top back on, the jam would spread evenly across the top of the chicken. As I pick the top part of the biscuit up to place it back onto the top of the newly lathered chicken, the phone rings. *sighs* So I answer it and then more come streaming in. Finally, I got a break and that "eff it" attitude. I took one bite and savored the bite to assess it's worthiness. It was great but as I tried to finish eating the rest, my mouth felt "doughy" because the two packets of jam was not enough for the doughy biscuit. So I finished my sandwich for what it was worth and washed it down with Sprite since I don't really see chicken being a breakfast staple and orange juice was not even on my mind for personal reasons. At the end of the day, I must say that although a chicken biscuit for breakfast seemed strange at first, it was still delish minus the fact that maybe one more packet of jam would have made it more blissful....
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
With all the speculation that was surrounding the death of Michael Jackson, I am finding the news hard to believe when it comes to deaths of celebrities. Some folks wish they were dead and some don't want to believe they are dead. All humans are mortal and therefore must die. What is so sad is that it seems that a lot of celebs heavily rely on or turn to prescription drugs or whatever they can get their hands on to feel the high. You would think living a rich and famous life would make one high enough but I guess not. You never know until you have experienced a day in their shoes. I am not so certain just yet if this is written in stone. TMZ has stated that DJ AM was found dead this evening/afternoon but I have yet to confirm it with CNN yet. I had the pleasure of meeting him in St. Charles, MO on December 27, 2007 along with a host of celebrities at HOME Nightclub. He was very in touch with his craft and as I snapped each photo of him in action, you could feel his passion in his body language and how he rocked the crowd. He was a cool dude and hope his soul rests in peace.....
After an interesting stroll through U-City Loop, I decided that I would muster up the energy to go to Atomic Cowboy for Hip Hopper's Holiday. I am a fan of my local music artists and of art. I heard there would be music, art and b-boy battles. I haven't had this much fun since Jack Daniels' "Arts+Beats+Lyrics" run at the Moto Museum several months ago. There is nothing more I can really say because the photos will speak for themselves. There was a lot of heart, passion, beauty and talent at Atomic Cowboy tonight and I would love to see more shows in the future....